Thursday, May 21, 2020

Grand Challenges Memories For Life - 2653 Words

Grand Challenges 3 Memories for life Final Version Wei Dong ID: 4830593 29 April 2015 Created the first version: 25 April. Second Edition finished: 29 April Third Edition finished: 30 April Abstract In this article, one of the grand challenges – memories for life is discussed. When the topic â€Å"memories for life† was first mentioned? Who mentioned it? What was the module for that challenge? What fields are related to this grand challenge? In this article, I pick out seven areas from computer science to talk about the questions and problems, and if available, what should we do in the future. Of course, that’s not complete solution, but we can discuss what effect should be done now or in the future. Then, I offer an example about OpenCV to illustrate what we can do on object identification and image processing in computer vision field based on today’s computing technologies. However, if we want to make challenges into real life, we still have too much research and study to do. The purpose of this white paper is to illustrate one grand challenge—memories for life, and talk about possible solution base on today’s technology. Contents Abstract 1 Contents 2 1.Introduction 2 1.1Background 2 1.2 Research Problem 3 1.3 Purpose of the report 3 2. Discussions 4 2.1 Security and privacy 4 2.2 Data and databases 5 2.3 Information Retrieval 6 2.4 Artificial Intelligence 6 2.5 Machine learning 7 2.6 Human-computer Interaction 7 2.7Show MoreRelated Rap Vs Poetry Essay1383 Words   |  6 Pagessays quot; Young nigga got it bad cuz im brown / And not the other color so police think / They have the authority to kill a minorityquot; (NWA quot;Fuck Tha Policequot; 3-5). Another common subect between Black poets and rappers is quot;ghetto lifequot;. Nikki Giovanis poem called quot;For Saundraquot; is about how she is going to write a poem about trees and blue skies. 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